Wednesday, November 30, 2011

From a Thankful Heart Part 2

Day 16: I'm thankful that this semester is almost over. I've been so tired all semester long. I'm ready to relax and craft.

Day 17: I'm thankful for a ball of energy and amazingness that attends my church. Dot Weems is one of the most wonderful women I know. She is the reason the children on BAUPC have manners and she is the one we all grew up knowing and loving. :) I enjoy her hugs every service and every time I visit Lynn Wood Elementary. 

At this point let me note that I fell off the bandwagon of posting daily although I still thought about it often so here's what would've been posted. Nov. 25th was actually posted to my Facebook account though.

Day 18: I'm thankful that Joey and I met 3 years and 5 months  ago today. The 18th of every month is special. :)

Day 19: I'm thankful for the opportunity to study God's word and pursue His calling through Purpose Institute. 

Day 20: I'm thankful for the opportunity to use my limited talents for God. Thank you to BAUPC for putting up with my piano playing a few times a month. 

Day 21: I'm thankful for Thanksgiving break and sleeping in (kinda).

Day 22: I'm thankful for sick time that allowed me to come home from work today without worrying about making up the time later.

Day 23: I'm thankful for having the same home for 15 years. However I'm not thankful that I never fully cleaned out my closet 'til now. 5 year olds keep WEIRD things.

Day 24: I'm thankful for paint remover that swiftly removed the crude artwork painted on our mini-van this Thanksgiving morning.

Day 25: I'm thankful for my rock. Josiah Marshall was born 19 years ago today and I'm so thankful for that. Happy Birthday Joey.

Day 26: I'm thankful for yesterday's Black Friday sales. Although I didn't go out 'til almost 10:30 am I still scored $120 worth of Christmas presents for Joey for $44. :)

Day 27: I'm thankful for gentle reminders from God.

Day 28: I'm thankful that the test I forgot about is tomorrow not today.

Day 29: I'm thankful for sound teaching in my home life that allows me to stand strong even when today's readings for Foundations of Education were in direct opposition to some things I believe.

Day 30: I'm thankful that with tomorrow begins the countdown to Christmas. It's DECEMBER (tomorrow)!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wisdom for Wednesday

Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough; we must do
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe--

This quote really speaks to me right now. I encountered it while going on my first walk/run in trying to begin the "Couch to 5K" program. The app thinks that I need motivating so it provides me with a quote as I try not to die while asthma battles my desire to lose the 30 extra pounds I need to shed. 

The wisdom of this quote convicted me both about my spiritual life and my natural life. There are so many things that I know that I still don't act on. 
  • I know a daily devotion would make every day better but some days I am just "too busy" (what a joke).
  • I know that if I would dust my room regularly I'd be able to breathe better but I always seem to put it off 'til company's coming.
  • I know homework should be done early not at the last second but somehow something else (like this blog post) seems more important at the time.
  • I know...but...
That short list sums up a major battle I have...procrastination. How many things do we know but not apply? We know to eat healthy, but do we? We know our neighbors are lost, but do we witness to them? How many opportunities have we lost because we failed to apply now not "later" (though somehow later never seems to come for many things)? I challenge all of you: do something today you'd ordinarily put off 'til the tomorrow that never comes. I will do the same. Let's not just know about what we should do. Let's do it!

James 1:22
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
King James Version

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

From a Thankful Heart Part 1

This November I've joined the trend on Facebook of posting something I'm thankful for each day. Today (the halfway point of this month) and again on the last of the month I'll be posting a recap of what I've posted each day.

Day 1: I'm thankful that although my family can't afford it God still provided a way for me to go to TU and get a good education. No matter how much school stresses me out I try to always remember that I couldn't afford it and only through God's provision am I able to go.

Day 2: I'm thankful for technology. It keeps me in contact with far away people, enables schoolwork to be done without my arm falling off from writing for hours, and lets us check out materials at work without using the evil invention of the barcode scanner. Oh, and it's also shiny.

Day 3: I'm thankful for the amazing music team at BAUPC - I love being a part of this dynamic team. I'm grateful for everyone's willingness to work together to lead in worship. Thank you everyone for being AWESOME.

Day 4: I'm thankful for air to breath even though I've woken up choking and coughing the last two nights. Thank God for air to breathe.

Day 5: I'm thankful for earthquake insurance.

Day 6: I'm thankful that Casey Marks (my college and career leader) was born. I got cake today because of that.

Day 7: I'm thankful for a good job with co-workers I adore.

Day 8: I'm thankful for my two new friends (inhalers) that will hopefully help me breathe better.

Day 9: I'm thankful for two very important people. I'm so thankful for my pastor, Rev. Aaron Dunn, and his wife, Sis. Stacy Dunn. They are such wonderful people and do such an excellent job leading our congregation during every service. I thank God for them and the impact they've had on my life.

Day 10: I'm thankful for a lady who I haven't seen in a while but who had a profound impact on my life when she lived here. This lady is always an encourager. She always believes in me, and I always knew she was there for me. This lady is a beautiful example of a godly lady; she sets a shining example for all who know her. This lady always pushed us girls to be our best. She always had time for us. She is one of the greatest LADIES I have ever known. This lady is none other than Sis. Stephanie Joy Godwin. To those in California now blessed by her presence: Treasure this jewel of a woman.

Day 11: I'm thankful as I head off to OK District Ladies' Retreat I'm thankful for the wonderful OK District of the UPCI. The leadership of this state is fabulous and we are greatly blessed by their hard work.

Day 12: I'm thankful for fellowship with like minded believers.

Day 13: I'm thankful for my wonderful church family.

Day 14: I'm thankful for the weight I've gained the last couple years because that means I've never lacked for food and God has blessed me with an abundance thereof. However I'm still going to vanquish those extra pounds...

Day 15: I'm thankful for my kitty cat. She always has a cheerful (or demanding "pet me pet me") meow for me. I always know if I need a hug and it's 2 am and no one is around well there's my fluffy, precious Liba.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Content this Christmas

Philippians 4:11
...For I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.
New Living Translation

Christmas is coming and while I adore Christmas I have a horrible tendency of going way overboard with my spending. So this year I'm going to be making most of my presents for people and making some crafts for myself to curb impulse buys while out shopping for what few presents I'm going to really buy. In this month of thankfulness I am extremely grateful for Pinterest. Thanks to Pinterest I have garnered ideas for many of the presents I'm making this year.

Here's a sneak preview of some of the presents I'm making and things I have slated to make myself. This lovely pincushion provides inspiration for the present I'm making for my sewing and antique loving Granny.

This lovely pincushion provides inspiration for the present I'm making for my sewing and antique loving Granny.
Another precious idea that will not be strictly duplicated but is going to be the base for a present for a quirky and awesome friend of mine.

And finally the inspiration for a present I'm going to be making for MYSELF. I have a beloved pair of shoes I have completely worn out so they are going to be coated in glitter!!!

One of my favorite parts of Christmas is making people curious about their present. Saturday I blew my mother's mind as I went with her to Michael's and came back with 27 pieces of felt...

The curiosity was increased as I proceeded to cut it all into identical pieces...

Come back after Christmas to see what I'm making Mumsy.