Sunday, January 29, 2012

How Much Does the Love of God Cost?

¿Cuánto cuesta el amor de Dios? Cuesta nada pero costó la vida de Jesús. 
How much does the love of God cost? It costs nothing but it cost the life of Jesus.

I love Him.
I love Him.
Because He first loved me.
And purchased my salvation on Calvary.

Learning Spanish has been such a beautiful thing for me. I've come to the point that I love to worship and pray in Spanish. It's so much more real even though I do make mistakes sometimes. I give so much more thought to the meaning of what I'm saying. I've realized that it becomes easy for words to become meaningless. We use them so much we don't think about it. We forget their meaning and we forget such important things. We say things over and over but do we even know what we're saying anymore? It's so easy to speak the words and not really remember what they mean. We just have an autopilot response and that's that.

I have heard and said all my life that God loved me so much that He died for me. I've heard and said time and time again that His love is unconditional, that it costs me nothing, that He already paid the price. Oh, but do know what it means? Do I know?? ¿Cuánto cuesta el amor de Jesus? How much does it cost? Oh, it's easy to say it costs nothing but not remember that it really means NOTHING! And so I forget and I begin to try to earn His love. I try to buy it with my deeds.

But then I feel His arms of love wrap around me when I least deserve it and I remember again as the oh so emphatic words "El amor de Jesus cuesta nada"  slip from my mouth. ¿Nada? Really? Nothing at all? It costs nothing? 

And then I am shaken. I tremble in shock as I remember "costó la vida de Jesus." It cost the life of Jesus. And as those words travel through my mind I see the picture of Christ Jesus on the Cross. The blood drips from His battered body and I really remember the love of God. I remember His love cost me nothing but it cost Him so much because He loved me enough to ensure that it would cost me nothing. And in that moment I am truly grateful and aware of His love for me. I'm truly aware that it cost me nothing because it cost Him everything.

John 13:15
Greater love hath no man that this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
King James Version

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
King James Version

Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 - Memories Made - Week 1

1/366 - Jan. 1 - Kaylie (a wonderful member of our A-Team bus ministry) was baptized in Jesus Name. What a great way to start the new year.

2/366 - Jan. 2 - Enjoying the Journal Josiah (Honey-Pie) got me for Christmas. Using it to take notes on my Bible reading.

3/366 - Jan. 3 - Productive day but a never ending sinus infection is sent me to bed early so goodnight from me and Teddy.

4/366 - Jan. 4 - Back to school seems real now. $518.32 real. Anyone wanna subsidize that? ;-)

5/366 - Jan. 5 - Got to work and discovered I'd been awarded a "Dewey" (our library employee awards). Isn't my frog cute? He's for those who go above and beyond. Thanks to my co-worker Matt for the nomination.

6/366 - Jan. 6 - Discovered Barnes & Noble will buy used textbooks. Shipped these babies off.

7/366 - Jan. 7 - Preparing for school to start Monday. A nice clean desk ready for lots of studying (or facebooking).

And finally the song that I've had on repeat all week.