Our song -- every couple has one -- that special song that makes you think of the other person. Maybe it's the song you heard on your first date. Maybe it's a song that tells a story similar to your own. Maybe it's just a song you both like. It gives you goose bumps to hear it and leaves you soft and sentimental, maybe a little misty eyed. It's a different song for everyone, but that's what makes it special.
Right now I don't just have one song that's "our song." There's several. And they change often. But there's always at least one -- special to where our relationship is right now. There's always at least one song, usually several that make my heart skip a bit and my eyes mist. But these aren't songs that bring to mind a special person. No these are songs that make my heart flip thinking of my dearest love, the one who laid it all down for me, the lover of my soul, my one and only savior, Jesus.
Right now these are our songs, songs that make me stop anything I'm doing and cry in thanks, songs that make me feel His love, songs that remind me of all He's done and all I get to do.
"What Can I Do?"
You Are Holy
Victor's Crown
So, those are "our songs" right now. What are some of yours? Maybe I'll find another one to add to my list. Keep worshipping my friends. Keep communing with Him. And when you find that song that makes you stop and pray no matter what you're supposed to be doing listen to it often!
These are great! I'll create a blog post either tonight or tomorrow with some of my faves of the moment. Thanks for the great prompt!