Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Powerful Potential of Plastic Chairs

Chairs before service in the last church we visited in Lima, Peru
You've all seen them -- plastic garden chairs, the seemingly official seating choice of churches on the "foreign" field. You'll find them in churches large and churches small, though why I've never known. Why those chairs in particular? Why not pews, even the most basic wooden bench, they can't be that expensive, says my American brain?

But there's a flaw in my American brain. My brain likes clean, neat spaces, rows that don't get messed up, and easily determined seating capacities. My brain thinks inside the box.

Outside the box is found the answer. Plastic chairs allow you to start with 50 chairs for those you know will show but when God shows up and 100s more arrive you can add more rows until you reach the door. When there are more people than chairs you put them up and stand -- allowing more people in God's house. When the sermon has ended and the people gather eagerly to pray you can get them out of the way -- allowing all to gather at the altar without the limiting confines of immobile pews creating an arbitrary size limit on the altar area.

Plastic chairs take the limits off. Plastic chairs are full of potential.

Lord help me to take the limits off. Help me think outside the box.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Our Song

Our song -- every couple has one -- that special song that makes you think of the other person. Maybe it's the song you heard on your first date. Maybe it's a song that tells a story similar to your own. Maybe it's just a song you both like. It gives you goose bumps to hear it and leaves you soft and sentimental, maybe a little misty eyed. It's a different song for everyone, but that's what makes it special. 

Right now I don't just have one song that's "our song." There's several. And they change often. But there's always at least one -- special to where our relationship is right now. There's always at least one song, usually several that make my heart skip a bit and my eyes mist. But these aren't songs that bring to mind a special person. No these are songs that make my heart flip thinking of my dearest love, the one who laid it all down for me, the lover of my soul, my one and only savior, Jesus.

Right now these are our songs, songs that make me stop anything I'm doing and cry in thanks, songs that make me feel His love, songs that remind me of all He's done and all I get to do.


"What Can I Do?"

You Are Holy

Victor's Crown

So, those are "our songs" right now. What are some of yours? Maybe I'll find another one to add to my list. Keep worshipping my friends. Keep communing with Him. And when you find that song that makes you stop and pray no matter what you're supposed to be doing listen to it often!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year

A new year. A fresh start. A blank slate there for writing on. A chance to improve and put the failures of the past behind. This day is so full of promise. The world is full of people with zeal for changes and self improvement. A month from now most have failed but that doesn't have to be you -- or me. 2014 can be different. 

2013 was an interesting year full of many highs but not all I would have wanted it to be. It was a year of triumphs and tears. A year in which I moved forward in many ways and found myself lacking in others. But today is a new day. A day to go higher. A day to go further. A day to do all He asks me to do. So this year I have one word on my heart: Faithful. A reminder that He is always faithful and a reminder to myself to be faithful in the small things that are easy to forget. Faithful.

This year I'm not posting my resolutions publicly but I will say I've taken steps to ensure they go beyond today -- at least the truly important ones. Step 1 is accountability. I'm working together with friends on some of the same things to make sure we keep each other on target. Step 2 is making the goals manageable -- each month has it's own goal -- often to be determined by the previous month's success. Don't let 2014 be another year wasted. Go. Do. Create. Make it great. It's a whole new year with 365 days to use for His glory!