Saturday, June 25, 2011


First off I've been gone to camp the last week so that's why I've been quiet lately. :) God changed many lives this last week including mine!

So, for those of you who are familiar with Sheaves for Christ you know what I'm talking about in this post. For those that don't watch this video to get a taste of what Sheaves for Christ does for the kingdom of God.

This year I decided it's high time I did something for Sheaves For Christ beyond a "measly" change can. So over the next few months y'all will see many fundraising efforts featured here on my blog as I endeavor to raise at least $1000 for SFC! My second fundraising push of this effort can be found here. I've gone through my headbands (quite a collection) and weeded out the vast majority of them and have placed them for sale. It seems vain to me to wear something fancy in my hair while missionaries around the world need vehicles and children at Tupelo Children's mansion need shelter. So I'm asking y'all to wear them instead with the knowledge that in wearing it you have contributed to the cause of the kingdom.

Why? Because 1 lost = 2 many.

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