Monday, July 8, 2013

AYC Peru: Want to Help? Pray!

As our AYC trip swiftly approaches I am grateful for everyone who has prayed, donated, and spoken many words of encouragement. I have no doubt the next few weeks will change my life altogether for the better. I have one final request though: keep praying!

Bro. Jury (our chaperone) sent us the following prayer focus that I'd like to share with you all.

  1. Protection (from thieves, accidents, diseases, etc)
  2. God opens the way before us (this includes the ease of our travels without problems i.e. airport security, no mechanical difficulties or delays, etc.)
  3. Favor (for God to grant us favor first of all with HIM, with the church and the heathen, business and otherwise, wherever we go)
  4. That God will make us a blessing to His church and people, use as instruments for His Glory
  5. That people will come to know Him as a result of our efforts
  6. That God will teach us things through our Brethren whom we will get to know and know God better as a result
All of these are important things, but I would especially like to ask you all to pray for our protection. I have had a friend experience a bad accident on another AYC trip (But my God had his hand of protection on her still -- blog post to come detailing His divine work) and I've known of many who have had to spend part of their trips in hotel rooms sick with this virus or that illness. 

We covet and appreciate your prayers during this endeavor and are confident that God will encamp angels round about us during this journey. Pray that many people will be touched and blessed by God in Peru and that both the Peruvian church and the AYC Peru team would be forever impacted. Continue to pray for AYC Dominican Republic today -- they have made it back to Miami and are all traveling home today, and for AYC El Salvador -- on the ground until next Monday! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I just want to take a minute to answer some of the frequently asked questions about my trip. This post is accurate as of it's posting but information is subject to change as there are still many things we don't know.

What organization you traveling with? I'm traveling with Apostolic Youth Corps, a division of the United Pentecostal Church International. AYC is a combined effort between the Global Missions Division and the General Youth Division to send young people overseas to be an active part in missions work. This particular trip is also sponsored by another division of the UPCI, Campus Ministry International. 

Do you know anyone you're going with? I do not know one soul on the trip personally. Through facebook, texting, and phone calls I have become good friends with two of my group members but we have yet to actually meet. I know of a few of the people through mutual acquaintances but essentially I'm going with 25 strangers.

How many people are in your group? As best as I can figure from counting email addresses there are 23 of us in the group. We will be traveling with 2 chaperones, David and Holly Jury, and with the Showalters, our host missionaries.

When are you leaving? We depart on Friday July 12 from Houston. We'll be flying out about 4 in the afternoon. The group will assemble in Houston throughout the day and leave together at that time. We will arrive in Lima that night at about 10:30.

How long is the flight? The flight from Houston to Lima is 6 hours 30 min. It is direct and they claim they're going to feed us. It will be the longest I've ever flown and the highest altitude, so prayers for my sensitive ears are appreciated.

How long will you be there? We have 9 actual days in the country plus 2 travel days. We will be actively in Peru doing things other than sitting on planes from July 13-July 21. 

Where in Peru are you going? We are going to Lima, Arequipa, Juliaca, Puno, Lake Titicaca, Cuzco, and Macchu Picchu.

What are you going to be doing? Honestly, I don't really know. Whatever they tell us to do haha. I do know that we are going to be participating in at least one church service in every place except Macchu Picchu. We will even be in a service on a UPCI Island Church in the Uros man made Islands. Because our trip is sponsored by CMI it is probably safe to assume we will do some work in colleges and universities there. I also know we will be doing evangelism. There is sight seeing on the schedule but except for Macchu Picchu it is combined with street evangelism, etc. No time will be wasted.

Will you have access to the internet? At times yes. The two hotels we know so far do claim to have wifi but I will not be paying international data charges so access will be limited to when wifi is available.

Are you going to be uploading pictures while you're there? When wifi is available I will upload pictures to Instagram (which will also post to my facebook and my twitter feed). I also plan to blog as time and internet connections allow.

Will you have your phone? Yes BUT it will be in airplane mode all the time. Phone calls will cost me $2.89 a minute, sending a text will cost me $0.50 and receiving one will cost $0.05. DO NOT TEXT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you would like to send me a message you may either facebook message me or download the app WhatsApp and send me messages that way.

Got more questions? Post them in the comments! That's all for now folks!

AYC Peru: It's almost here!

Warning: This post may be a bit rambling; you have been warned!

So, according to my countdown app, there are currently 8 days, 22 hours, 19 minutes and 41 seconds remaining until my flight leaves Tulsa (assuming it's not delayed...I am flying American so that is questionable). There are so many thoughts and emotions flowing through my poor brain right now that  I don't think I can begin to express them all here -- but I'm going to try.

Disbelief: A portion of my brain is simply incredulous that I, yes little ol' me, am going to be in Peru in just over a week. I have dreamed of going to Peru for years but for a variety of reasons have never thought I'd ever see foreign soil. One former man of God in my life told me upon hearing of my call to the Spanish speaking portion of the world that my calling didn't mean I'd ever go anywhere -- I'd probably just help in a Spanish church in the states and I'd probably never leave the Oklahoma area. Another person in my life told me that "all young people feel called to missions but most never go so don't get my hopes up." So, needless to say, I dreamed about it but never thought I'd ever actually go. Actually it was just a week ago today that my brain finally accepted the reality that I am going to Peru. I was shelving books at McFarlin library when it just hit me that I'm really going to Peru! I almost ran around the library screaming but I instead settled for listening to Shout Now Radio on Pandora and having a praise break while I shelved (if anyone saw me I'm not crazy, just excited). I just can't quite believe that I'm going to South America in less than 9 days!!

1 Thessalonians 5:24
Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.
King James Version

Excitement: So I don't want to do anything these days. I just want to pack and talk about my trip and obsess over how much longer it is 'til I'm in Lima! I've already become pretty good friends with two of the people I'm going with and I can't wait to meet them and spend 6.5 hours on a plane with them while we drive everyone else around us nuts because we won't shut up. (But at least we won't be singing Disney songs, right Justin? I may bring a pillow just to smother those people...) I cannot focus on anything I'm just too excited!!!

Fear: I'm not afraid of getting kidnapped, murdered or lost but I am worried about many silly things. I'm afraid of losing my passport, forgetting something important, getting sick because of how bad the flight hurts my ears, getting sick in general, embarrassing myself, being the least spiritual person in the group, forgetting every word of Spanish I've ever learned, eating guinea pig, being the most out of shape and slowing the group down, having an asthma attack on Macchu Picchu, somehow sinking an island in the Uros Islands, and a thousand million other things. It'll all be ok though!!

Impatience: Since I began typing this the countdown has shifted down to 8 days, 21 hours, 53 minutes, and 35 seconds. Can time move any slower? Can it be next Friday yet? I'm ready to go! Let's go! Let's do this thing! Are we there yet? Come on! I've got things to do, places to go and people to tell about Jesus!!

So anyways! I'm excited! Expect another post today or tomorrow detailing where we're going etc! Also, if you sent me a donation and I haven't sent you a thank you note I promise you will get it before I leave! It's been a crazy several months with school and two jobs and I've gotten behind! You'll get it though!! :-)