Thursday, May 26, 2011

School's Out x 3

So excited! I've been out of University since the first week of May but I wasn't actually done with school 'til Today. First off, I attend Purpose Institute and that didn't end until this past weekend. But the biggest part had to do with my boyfriend. Due to a health condition his is currently battling he is on homebound and was having to do all of his schoolwork from home. A teacher came twice a week for an hour and a half at a time. That isn't much. Throw in that she was a math teacher and you can see that I ended up being the tutor for English, Government, Zoology, Anatomy, etc. So in addition to working double my normal hours for the summer I've been teaching round the clock. But thank God school is out for him as of this morning when he turns in his work and books which he should be doing as I type this. :) Finally real summer!!!!!!! Now to finish up volunteer hours for a scholarship by tomorrow and yeah...well life has been a mess! So yeah I'm one exhausted little girl, thus the lack of posts. So for now I'll just leave you with a picture of my sweetness and I and, of course, a video of some amazing song.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Guest Post: The Book of Job

I know it's been a while but life has been insane. More on that later along with a post from me, I promise. One of my friends from school wrote this and I asked her if I could share it here. She has many health problems but every time I see her she is completely positive. I love her and her sweet spirit so much; she's truly an inspiration. So here's what Jenny had to say.

Yesterday was a really difficult day for me health wise. It was one of those days where I just felt emotionally overcome with all thats on my heart right now. I didn’t make it to church because of how I was feeling, so instead I flipped open my bible to the book of Job.

I absolutely love Job because whenever I feel like tragedy is striking, he is the perfect person to relate with. Of course. You can only kind of relate, because Job was having a much harder and more miserable time than I can even imagine. Satan killed all of Job’s children. As if that wouldn’t be hard enough, Satan killed all his servants and animals. Literally thousands and thousands of animals were killed. Then Satan turns Job’s wife against him. She mocks him for believing in God. And finally after all of this, Satan makes Job sick with sores and blisters covering his body, so painful that he would pick at them with glass.

Now to be honest, I’ve read Job a couple of times, but last night was the first time I stumbled upon a new realization. If you’re not familiar with the story, you should know that Job was a man who was incredibly strong in his faith. So strong even that the devil wanted to see if he took everything away from Job’s life, would he still praise God for what had been taken away?

As satan began to take things away from Job, his children and the love of his wife, Job continued to praise God. He says in Job 2:10 (MSG) “You’re talking like an empty headed fool. We take the good days from God— Why not also the bad days?” Job is strong in his faith even when things around him start to crumble. That is, until Satan destroys Job’s health. It’s at this point that Job curses the day he was born and wishes he was dead.

I think this is so revealing of how our health plays a major role in how we pursue God. When you feel miserable, it’s so difficult to believe that this is apart of his plan. I know what Job means when he feels forgotten by God. Looked over. Not understanding why a God who loves us SO much manages to let bad things happen.

The most comforting verse I find at Job 8:21 “God will let you laugh again. You’ll raise the roof with shouts of joy!”

This reminds me to relax. Be patient. Trust. Better days are coming. I have not been forgotten. I will never be forgotten. I will laugh again.

I am thankful for my bad days too :)

[See, she's so positive and sweet! May we all have her attitude]

[The lady singing this lost her husband to colon cancer mere months before. What a God pleasing attitude she has!]